Inputs From Owners - Hurricane Charley
Last updated: 1

August 2004  September 2004  October 2004 November 2004 | December 2004 | January 15 | 25 | 31
February/March 2005 | April/May 2005

======== <January 15, 2005> ==========

Hi Carl,
Can you give us any updates as to the progress at Casaybel? We have
received the new bill for maintenance and feel strongly that since we
weren't able to use our units last year, we should have the maintenance
fees from then transferred to pay for this years. I read all the
mumbo-jumbo for why they won't let us, but since we have 100% insurance
coverage, it seems to me that those fees were also paid for and this is
double dipping! My plan is to have all members unite and not pay this
years maintenance as there is strength and power in groups. Please
advise if you think this would have an impact on management, etc.
Sunny & Rich Simone

======== <January 25, 2005> ==========

My question is anyone doing anything for the owners and by whom?

I was there the first of November and was taken back when I saw all of
the Hilton facilities up and running and ours seemingly at a standstill
(where were workers???) barricaded by walls and orange fencing. I was
particularly disturbed when I found that the unit you and I obviously
stay in, G220, stripped to the studs---and it looked like the only one
in that condition.

I hope our Board is doing something, Carl, because it looks awfully
strange to me.

Charlene Bebko, Ph.D.


So I don't understand: I am owner of week 51 and 52, 190H, just received
my bill, had a credit for $85 for what I assume was the charge for week
53 (less than I paid) and what are we to do? Are we waiting to see if
this gets resolved before we pay?
Helen Frank
Batavia ILL



I have been waiting, watching and wringing my hands over the situation where
we owners of weeks that can't be used are being billed for the entire
amount, regardless of much-reduced as "budgeted and billed" charges. I am
probably one of the greatest losers, owning three December weeks, including
Christmas week, and four January weeks. As a retired person of modest
income, I own those units partially for use, but mostly for much-needed

With the fact that our so-called Board of Directors, (who DO they work for -
management or the owners?) has not chosen to even question this injustice, I
am obligated to pay out over $5300 in "maintenance" fees (and taxes), in
addition to returning and/or canceling almost $9000 for rentals of 5 of my
units, while also not being able to use the two I had planned to use myself.
SOMEONE or SOMEONES will benefit from fees not actually having to be paid
for housekeeping, linen service, supplies, phone service, etc., and it
certainly isn't the owners of those (they say) unusable weeks!

Three of my units are FGH, and four are IJK and I have absolutely no
evidence that either Board fought for the owners they supposedly represent!
I do know that AFTER the Board notes telling about all the glorious things
being done to our units came out with the billing notices, the Casa staff
sent out REGISTERED letters, at CONSIDERABLE expense that I am sure WE paid
for, telling us substantially the same thing!

What a farce in the way this entire mess has been handled! But, more to the
point, what can we DO about it? Aren't there some legal minds out there
among the owners who can see that adjustments must be made, at least in the
interest of fairness? Hilton, the giant corporation, has destroyed what our
dear old Casa Ybel WAS, and boards that function for management, instead of
the owners, are helping them accomplish their dubious aim!

Joan Walker


Just a note to say that this issue may include week through March 2005. I was
told by Hilton that I building may not be done until then.


Carl I have just been told that it is likely that Casa Ybel will not
reopen until April 2005. What is your view?



Hi Carl,

My family and I are interested in returning to Sanibel for a vacation. We
have rented timeshare units at Casa Ybel several times over the years and
would like to return the end of May or June. Just wondering if you know if
the units will truly be reopened by then. I know the reopen date has been
pushed back a few times by HGVC. I believe the last time I checked it said
they were anticipating April. What are your thoughts, yes or no. Our kids,
and us too, just love Casa Ybel and would love to come back.

Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help,

Kim Sanders


I will try to get an update from Hilton for our web site

======== <January 31, 2005> ==========

My parents owned 2 weeks at Casa for close to 20 years (202 G in July). Our weeks were sold back in 2000. I would like to return with my family of my own sometime perhaps this year. I went to and was reading about "suites" they have now. What are those? Did the hurricane wipe out what I knew back before 2000 (2 floor condos?) Does Casa do weekend packages now? Who is the best to contact about either renting a week or coming for the weekend. Thank you!!

Michael Trepper



Although my family and I have been vacationing at Casa Ybel during January for the last 10 years we do not own a timeshare unit. In the future is it best to access this website for rentals as we are considering a July trip this year. Also my son and I just returned from Casa Ybel yesterday, we stayed in a 1 bedroom unit, things appear to be moving slowly with the rebuilding.

Tom Kane
Williams Bay, Wi.

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Carl Appelberg
2213 Colefax Court
Westminster C.C.
Lehigh Acres FL 33971

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